$5 cover and $50 cash prize to first place.
Hosted by Abby Bland.
10 poets compete - sign up list drops at 7:30 p.m.
Poets are selected via random draw.
There is NO signing up before the event. Slam starts at 8:00 pm promptly.
Round 1 - 10 poets
Round 2 - 5 poets
Round 3 - 3 poets
*Masks are REQUIRED to be worn to attend this event, this is in accordance with the current CDC guidelines and the KC mask mandate.*
Committed to the local and national poetry slam scene, to developing poetic skill and stage presentation through classes, workshops, themed slams, group rehearsals and feature shows.
Wanna be a featured act on our stage? Email kcpoetryslam@gmail.com
For extensive details on slam format visit: www.kansascitypoetryslam.org/competition-rules